English for School – Simple Past Tense

Hi #bestparents

Karena materi saat ini adalah Bahasa Inggris, ada baiknya kata pengantar kita bumbui sedikit dengan Bahasa Inggris ya Moms and Dads 😀 , kenapa? Karena pada prinsipnya keahlian berbahasa akan kita dapatkan dengan selalu menerapkannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Jadi jika  ingin anak cepat bisa cas cis cus ,  para orang tua juga harus membiasakan diri nih 😉 Jangan khawatir, di sini #senopaticenter akan membantu koq.

Materi kali ini adalah Simple Past Tense, pasti anak-anak sudah ada yang dijelaskan di sekolahnya masing-masing, untuk #bestparents secara sederhana prinsip dari Simple Past Tense ini adalah sebuah  kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau dan telah berakhir di masa lampau. Contohnya kalau dalam Bahasa Indonesia ;

  • Kemarin saya berjalan seorang diri ke sekolah
  • Tahun lalu Meta, Loka, Satyawan dan Edward adalah anak-anak  yang berprestasi di sekolah
  • Apakah para murid sudah datang ke sekolah?
  • Banyak anak yang tidak suka film horror (kejadian saat kalimat ini diucapkan, kejadian itu sudah berlalu)\
  • 3 hari yang lalu saya belajar bersama mereka

Tentunya beda negara beda bahasa dan beda bahasa beda kosa-kata, struktur serta aturan lainnya, jadi pastikan #bestparents dan #sobatpintar mengikuti penjelasan materi ini melalui Teleconference atau Live Interractive Chat sebelum melihat ringkasan di bawah bersama kami ya, caranya cukup hubungi kami pada live chat di website ini (WhatsApp) dan kami akan memberikan jadwal serta aplikasi yang digunakan agar sesuai dengan kondisi jaringan internet ditempat masing-masing.

Bagi #bestparents dan #sobatpintar yang ingin langsung melihat ringkasan materi Simple Past Tense, langsung saja ya 😉

Summary (Ringkasan)

Digunakan untuk: 

  • Kegiatan di masa lalu
  • Fakta di masa lalu

Keterangan waktu yang digunakan

  • Yesterday
  • Last …… (cth: last year, last week, last month, last holiday, etc)
  • …… ago (cth: a year ago, two years ago, etc)

Cara Penulisan

a. Affirmative (kalimat positif)

b. Negative (kalimat negative)

c. Interrogative (kalimat tanya)

Regular & Irregular Verb

Verb (Kata kerja) :

  • Regular verb (kata kerja bentuk teratur) =  V1 + ed
  • Irregular verb (kata kerja tidak teratur).

Bentuk ini akan terlihat dalam verb 2 (past) atau verb 3 (perfect).

Masih banyak kata kerja regular dan irregular yang biasa digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari.

Contoh penerapannya

  • I walked to the school alone yesterday
  • Edward was an active student last year
  • Loka and Satyawan were an active student last year
  • Meta studied hard last night
  • When I got up it is raining 5 minutes ago
  • I brought a cake to your house last night
  • My teacher taught me about this mathematic last year
  • I slept in this sofa with my mom
  • I did not sleep well last night
  • Did the student come to school ?
  • Did he clean your room yesterday ?
  • Many kids did not like horror movies.

Bagaimana? masih ada yang mau ditanyakan ? Jika ada segera hubungi kami melalui live chat yang tersedia pada website ini (WhatsApp atau Facebook Messenger)  😉

Untuk jadwal Kelas Online tatap muka (teleconference), #bestparents (syarat dan ketententuan berlaku)

Saat nya untuk Quiz atau latihan online 😉  Di sini ada  2 buah quiz online, yaitu

  1. Speaking & Writting
  2. Listening & Reading

Langsung saja kerjakan ya, tanyakan kepada kami jika ada kendala dalam mengerjakannya atau ada soal yang tidak dimengerti 😉

Speaking & Writting Online Quiz


push START button!

times up!

Created by sec

Simple Past Tense

How are you today? introduce yourself please 😉

1 / 25

Complete the sentence using long answer

Did your friends sing to you?

(+) = Yes, my friends ...........to me

2 / 25

Complete the sentence using long answer

Did you write invitations?

(+) = Yes, I ............invitations

3 / 25

He ……. A beautiful song at school last week.

4 / 25

It tastes sweet. It usually has candles on top. It’s …….

5 / 25

You use colorful paper to wrap it. You give it to people on their birthdays. It’s …

6 / 25

They are usually round. They have air inside. It’s ……

7 / 25

She ….. a piece of cake at the party two days ago.

8 / 25

Fill in the blank with correct answer!

Dress up





I ................ in my favorite costume. I was a superhero

9 / 25

They ….. costumes at the last helloween party.

10 / 25

The birthday feast …… delicious.

11 / 25

Fill in the blank with correct answer!

Dress up





At night, we ............. the fireworks. They were incredible

12 / 25

We …… the fireworks on the last new year’s eve.

13 / 25

Fill in the blank with correct answer!

Dress up





After dinner, all the children .............  games.

14 / 25

Complete the sentence using long answer

Did she eat birthday cake?

(+) = Yes, she ............birthday cake

(-) = No, she didn’t eat birthday cake

15 / 25

We ……… my brother’s birthday yesterday

16 / 25

Complete the sentence using long answer

Did you have fun?

(+) = Yes, I  ...........................

(-) = No, I ...........................

17 / 25

We …… to music and danced after dinner.

18 / 25

I ……. To the parade last night.

19 / 25

My grandma ……. Noodle soup.

20 / 25

Fill in the blank with correct answer!

Dress up





I  .............  the food and the dancing. It was fun!

21 / 25

They are long and thin. You put them on a birthday cake. They are …

22 / 25

You write this on paper. You give it to your friends. It’s ……..

23 / 25

Complete the sentence using long answer

Did you wear party hats?

(-) =  No, We .................party hats

24 / 25

Fill in the blank with correct answer!

Dress up





The parade was great. We .............to music from many countries

25 / 25

After we danced, we …… a movie on TV.

Your score is

The average score is 66%


English Listening & Reading ( Let’s Celebrate) Online Quiz


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Created by sec

English Listening & Reading (Let’s Celebrate)

1 / 20


Every year there is a big parade in New York City on Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving is American holiday. Last year we were in New York City, and I wanted to see the parade. It was cold, so I wore a warm coat and a hat. The parade was great! I listened to marching bands play music. I watched great dancers. My favorite things were big balloons shaped like animals!

Where is Thanksgiving parade takes place?

2 / 20


The Day of the Dead is a big festival in Mexico. People celebrate it on the first day on November. They in remember and celebrate the dead people their family. They sometimes decorate the graves in the cemetery with skeletons in special costumes. Families take a big feast to the cemetery, and they light candles and play music. Sometimes there are fireworks, too. People give candy and chocolate in the shape of skulls. For Mexicans, skulls and skeletons are not scary, and the festival is not sad. The Day of the Dead is a time for fun and happy celebrations.

In Thailand, the festival of Yi Peng usually happens in November, too. On the first day, there is a parade and people wear beautiful costumes. People make lanterns out  of rice paper. They light small candles inside them. The warm air makes the lanterns go up into the sky. On the night of the festival, there are thousands of bright lanterns in the sky. It’s very beautiful. People imagine that the lanterns are taking away the bad things in their lives. People also decorate their homes and gardens with paper lanterns. And on the last day, there are fireworks.

What makes the lanterns go up into the sky?

3 / 20


Many people all over the world celebrate the sun. Sweden is in the north. In winter, nights are long and days are short. On December 13, people celebrate Lucia Day. It is a festival of lights. People want light on long, dark days! Girls dress up as Lucia. They wear white dresses and wear a candle wreath on their head. Boys dress up as star boys. They wear white  clothes and white hat. They carry stars on sticks. The children sing songs, and people eat cookies and special sweet buns.

In Sweden, the festival of midsummer happens in June. Days are long, and night are short. People celebrate the longest day of the year and the start of summer. People decorate their homes with flowers and leaves. Many people wear beautiful costumes to the festival. They dance and sing songs. They eat fish, potatoes, fruit and other foods. People enjoy the sunlight and can forget about the cold dark winter.

When is the midsummer festival celebrated?

4 / 20


Every year we have a snow festival. It is in February, in the winter. This year it was fantastic! It was very cold. I wore a snowsuit, boots, gloves, and a hat. There was a lot to do, and we had so much fun. I went to see the beautiful snow sculptures with my brother and sister. My favorite sculpture was of two big dinosaurs. They looked scary! We played on the snow slides and in a snow maze, too! In the evening, we saw colorful lights, we listened to music, we ate steamed buns, and we drank hot chocolate to get warm! The festival was wonderful this year!

What was Hiro favorite sculpture?

5 / 20


Every year there is a big parade in New York City on Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving is American holiday. Last year we were in New York City, and I wanted to see the parade. It was cold, so I wore a warm coat and a hat. The parade was great! I listened to marching bands play music. I watched great dancers. My favorite things were big balloons shaped like animals!

What did Lisa wear?

6 / 20


Many people all over the world celebrate the sun. Sweden is in the north. In winter, nights are long and days are short. On December 13, people celebrate Lucia Day. It is a festival of lights. People want light on long, dark days! Girls dress up as Lucia. They wear white dresses and wear a candle wreath on their head. Boys dress up as star boys. They wear white  clothes and white hat. They carry stars on sticks. The children sing songs, and people eat cookies and special sweet buns.

In Sweden, the festival of midsummer happens in June. Days are long, and night are short. People celebrate the longest day of the year and the start of summer. People decorate their homes with flowers and leaves. Many people wear beautiful costumes to the festival. They dance and sing songs. They eat fish, potatoes, fruit and other foods. People enjoy the sunlight and can forget about the cold dark winter.

What is Lucia Day?

7 / 20


The Day of the Dead is a big festival in Mexico. People celebrate it on the first day on November. They in remember and celebrate the dead people their family. They sometimes decorate the graves in the cemetery with skeletons in special costumes. Families take a big feast to the cemetery, and they light candles and play music. Sometimes there are fireworks, too. People give candy and chocolate in the shape of skulls. For Mexicans, skulls and skeletons are not scary, and the festival is not sad. The Day of the Dead is a time for fun and happy celebrations.

In Thailand, the festival of Yi Peng usually happens in November, too. On the first day, there is a parade and people wear beautiful costumes. People make lanterns out  of rice paper. They light small candles inside them. The warm air makes the lanterns go up into the sky. On the night of the festival, there are thousands of bright lanterns in the sky. It’s very beautiful. People imagine that the lanterns are taking away the bad things in their lives. People also decorate their homes and gardens with paper lanterns. And on the last day, there are fireworks.

What do people do on The Day of the dead festival?

8 / 20


Every year there is a big parade in New York City on Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving is American holiday. Last year we were in New York City, and I wanted to see the parade. It was cold, so I wore a warm coat and a hat. The parade was great! I listened to marching bands play music. I watched great dancers. My favorite things were big balloons shaped like animals!

What did Lisa hear?

9 / 20


Every year there is a big parade in New York City on Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving is American holiday. Last year we were in New York City, and I wanted to see the parade. It was cold, so I wore a warm coat and a hat. The parade was great! I listened to marching bands play music. I watched great dancers. My favorite things were big balloons shaped like animals!

What did Lisa see?

10 / 20


Every year there is a big parade in New York City on Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving is American holiday. Last year we were in New York City, and I wanted to see the parade. It was cold, so I wore a warm coat and a hat. The parade was great! I listened to marching bands play music. I watched great dancers. My favorite things were big balloons shaped like animals!

What is the tittle of Lisa’s writing?

11 / 20


The Day of the Dead is a big festival in Mexico. People celebrate it on the first day on November. They in remember and celebrate the dead people their family. They sometimes decorate the graves in the cemetery with skeletons in special costumes. Families take a big feast to the cemetery, and they light candles and play music. Sometimes there are fireworks, too. People give candy and chocolate in the shape of skulls. For Mexicans, skulls and skeletons are not scary, and the festival is not sad. The Day of the Dead is a time for fun and happy celebrations.

In Thailand, the festival of Yi Peng usually happens in November, too. On the first day, there is a parade and people wear beautiful costumes. People make lanterns out  of rice paper. They light small candles inside them. The warm air makes the lanterns go up into the sky. On the night of the festival, there are thousands of bright lanterns in the sky. It’s very beautiful. People imagine that the lanterns are taking away the bad things in their lives. People also decorate their homes and gardens with paper lanterns. And on the last day, there are fireworks.

Where do people celebrate Yi Peng festival?

12 / 20


Every year we have a snow festival. It is in February, in the winter. This year it was fantastic! It was very cold. I wore a snowsuit, boots, gloves, and a hat. There was a lot to do, and we had so much fun. I went to see the beautiful snow sculptures with my brother and sister. My favorite sculpture was of two big dinosaurs. They looked scary! We played on the snow slides and in a snow maze, too! In the evening, we saw colorful lights, we listened to music, we ate steamed buns, and we drank hot chocolate to get warm! The festival was wonderful this year!

What did Hiro wear?

13 / 20


The Day of the Dead is a big festival in Mexico. People celebrate it on the first day on November. They in remember and celebrate the dead people their family. They sometimes decorate the graves in the cemetery with skeletons in special costumes. Families take a big feast to the cemetery, and they light candles and play music. Sometimes there are fireworks, too. People give candy and chocolate in the shape of skulls. For Mexicans, skulls and skeletons are not scary, and the festival is not sad. The Day of the Dead is a time for fun and happy celebrations.

In Thailand, the festival of Yi Peng usually happens in November, too. On the first day, there is a parade and people wear beautiful costumes. People make lanterns out  of rice paper. They light small candles inside them. The warm air makes the lanterns go up into the sky. On the night of the festival, there are thousands of bright lanterns in the sky. It’s very beautiful. People imagine that the lanterns are taking away the bad things in their lives. People also decorate their homes and gardens with paper lanterns. And on the last day, there are fireworks.

When do people celebrate The Day of the dead festival?

14 / 20


Many people all over the world celebrate the sun. Sweden is in the north. In winter, nights are long and days are short. On December 13, people celebrate Lucia Day. It is a festival of lights. People want light on long, dark days! Girls dress up as Lucia. They wear white dresses and wear a candle wreath on their head. Boys dress up as star boys. They wear white  clothes and white hat. They carry stars on sticks. The children sing songs, and people eat cookies and special sweet buns.

In Sweden, the festival of midsummer happens in June. Days are long, and night are short. People celebrate the longest day of the year and the start of summer. People decorate their homes with flowers and leaves. Many people wear beautiful costumes to the festival. They dance and sing songs. They eat fish, potatoes, fruit and other foods. People enjoy the sunlight and can forget about the cold dark winter.

What do people eat at the midsummer feast?

15 / 20


Every year we have a snow festival. It is in February, in the winter. This year it was fantastic! It was very cold. I wore a snowsuit, boots, gloves, and a hat. There was a lot to do, and we had so much fun. I went to see the beautiful snow sculptures with my brother and sister. My favorite sculpture was of two big dinosaurs. They looked scary! We played on the snow slides and in a snow maze, too! In the evening, we saw colorful lights, we listened to music, we ate steamed buns, and we drank hot chocolate to get warm! The festival was wonderful this year!

When is Sapporo Snow Festival held?

16 / 20


Many people all over the world celebrate the sun. Sweden is in the north. In winter, nights are long and days are short. On December 13, people celebrate Lucia Day. It is a festival of lights. People want light on long, dark days! Girls dress up as Lucia. They wear white dresses and wear a candle wreath on their head. Boys dress up as star boys. They wear white  clothes and white hat. They carry stars on sticks. The children sing songs, and people eat cookies and special sweet buns.

In Sweden, the festival of midsummer happens in June. Days are long, and night are short. People celebrate the longest day of the year and the start of summer. People decorate their homes with flowers and leaves. Many people wear beautiful costumes to the festival. They dance and sing songs. They eat fish, potatoes, fruit and other foods. People enjoy the sunlight and can forget about the cold dark winter.

What do girls wear to dress up as Lucia?

17 / 20


The Day of the Dead is a big festival in Mexico. People celebrate it on the first day on November. They in remember and celebrate the dead people their family. They sometimes decorate the graves in the cemetery with skeletons in special costumes. Families take a big feast to the cemetery, and they light candles and play music. Sometimes there are fireworks, too. People give candy and chocolate in the shape of skulls. For Mexicans, skulls and skeletons are not scary, and the festival is not sad. The Day of the Dead is a time for fun and happy celebrations.

In Thailand, the festival of Yi Peng usually happens in November, too. On the first day, there is a parade and people wear beautiful costumes. People make lanterns out  of rice paper. They light small candles inside them. The warm air makes the lanterns go up into the sky. On the night of the festival, there are thousands of bright lanterns in the sky. It’s very beautiful. People imagine that the lanterns are taking away the bad things in their lives. People also decorate their homes and gardens with paper lanterns. And on the last day, there are fireworks.

Why do people celebrate The Day of the dead festival?

18 / 20


The Day of the Dead is a big festival in Mexico. People celebrate it on the first day on November. They in remember and celebrate the dead people their family. They sometimes decorate the graves in the cemetery with skeletons in special costumes. Families take a big feast to the cemetery, and they light candles and play music. Sometimes there are fireworks, too. People give candy and chocolate in the shape of skulls. For Mexicans, skulls and skeletons are not scary, and the festival is not sad. The Day of the Dead is a time for fun and happy celebrations.

In Thailand, the festival of Yi Peng usually happens in November, too. On the first day, there is a parade and people wear beautiful costumes. People make lanterns out  of rice paper. They light small candles inside them. The warm air makes the lanterns go up into the sky. On the night of the festival, there are thousands of bright lanterns in the sky. It’s very beautiful. People imagine that the lanterns are taking away the bad things in their lives. People also decorate their homes and gardens with paper lanterns. And on the last day, there are fireworks.

Why do people fly the lantern in Yi Peng festival?

19 / 20


Every year we have a snow festival. It is in February, in the winter. This year it was fantastic! It was very cold. I wore a snowsuit, boots, gloves, and a hat. There was a lot to do, and we had so much fun. I went to see the beautiful snow sculptures with my brother and sister. My favorite sculpture was of two big dinosaurs. They looked scary! We played on the snow slides and in a snow maze, too! In the evening, we saw colorful lights, we listened to music, we ate steamed buns, and we drank hot chocolate to get warm! The festival was wonderful this year!

Hiro did these activities at the Sapporo snow festival, except ….

20 / 20


Many people all over the world celebrate the sun. Sweden is in the north. In winter, nights are long and days are short. On December 13, people celebrate Lucia Day. It is a festival of lights. People want light on long, dark days! Girls dress up as Lucia. They wear white dresses and wear a candle wreath on their head. Boys dress up as star boys. They wear white  clothes and white hat. They carry stars on sticks. The children sing songs, and people eat cookies and special sweet buns.

In Sweden, the festival of midsummer happens in June. Days are long, and night are short. People celebrate the longest day of the year and the start of summer. People decorate their homes with flowers and leaves. Many people wear beautiful costumes to the festival. They dance and sing songs. They eat fish, potatoes, fruit and other foods. People enjoy the sunlight and can forget about the cold dark winter.

What special food do people eat on Lucia day


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