Personal Pronoun in Mandarin is important
Personal Pronoun is very important in every language. Importance of subject and pronoun in mandarin is words like me, you, them, us. Wǒ (我 ) means me, Nǐ (你) means you, Tā (他),(她) means he (male), she (female) and it (thing). Ni men( 你们) you (more than one person, male or female). It all depends on the situation and conditions, which are also shown by hance or punctuation marks on the letters.
“Ni men” is a plural word. If you are dealing with two or more people you can say ” Nǐmen hǎo ma? ” ( 你们好吗? ) or how are you guys. Can be answered with ” Wǒmen hěn hǎo ( 我们很好 )” which means we are good.
The difference between them and us is that they are more than one person but not including us.
Example Personal Pronoun in daily life
When asking how are you, like hi guys or hi everybody, you can say ” Dàjiā hào ( 大家好 )” (tacia haw). If you greet someone, a friend or a brother, you say 你好 ( Nǐ hǎo ) “ni haw”. If plural like 2 or more people around you, you can say Nǐmen hǎo ( 你们好 ) If you want to say hello to someone who’s
not around us then we say “tamen”.
If you want to say “thank you to all of you”, you can “say xie xie ni men ( 谢谢你们 )”, and if you only want to say thank you to just only one person, you can say ” Xièxie nǐ ( 谢谢你 )”. For example, Pronouncing “their father” can be pronounced with 他们爸爸 ( Tāmen bàba ) . For the word “our father ” are pronounced with “nimen papa” 我们爸爸 ( Wǒmen bàba ) . We answer Xièxie or thank you is with pu keci ( Bù kèqì ). See you later or cai cien ( Zàijiàn ).
Thank you for your attention. For more detail please check in video above . If you all have a question, please ask us in comment box below.
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