Ujian Bahasa Inggris Dasar (Placement Test)

 ujian bahasa inggris dasar

Ujian Bahasa Inggris Dasar dan Materinya

Ujian Bahasa Inggris level dasar ini terdiri atas :

  1. Greeting
  2. Pronoun
  3. to be
  4. Simple present tense
  5. Present Continuous Tense
  6. Preposition
  7. Things around the house
  8. Places and direction
  9. Math in english (multiplication and division)
  10. Job
  11. Family member
  12. animals

Tipe Soal Ujian Bahasa Inggris Dasar

Tipe soal Ujian ini akan dibagi menjadi 2 bagian yaitu :

  1. Multiple choice (pilihan ganda)
  2. Listening (tes pendengaran)

Cara mengerjakan latihan ujian Bahasa Inggris

  1. Klik start untuk memulai latihan
  2. pastikan Anda telah mengisi informasi dengan benar pada form yang tersedia
  3. tekan jawaban yang Anda pilih dan pastikan pilihan itu telah berwarna hijau
  4. tekan next untuk melanjutkan ke soal berikutnya atau tekan tombol previous untuk mengganti jawaban yang telah di jawab pada nomor sebelumnya
  5. Pada bagian listening (tes pendengaran), klik tombol play untuk mendengarkan pertanyaan melalui audio player
  6. klik tombol see result jika Anda telah selesai (Anda harus melewati 80 % untuk lulus ujian ini)
  7. Nilai Anda akan masuk ke database Senopati Center
  8. Jika ada kendala silahkan hubungi kami melalui live chat (whatsapp) atau bagi teman-teman yang berdomisili di wilayah sekitar Citra Raya, Cikupa, Tiga Raksa, Panongan, Curug, Balaraja dan lainnya, silahkan berkunjung ke tempat kami

Selamat mengerjakan Ujian nya


English For Kid basic 2 - mid test

1 / 30

My friend and I are ______ together in the park  this evening.  ___  are happy.

2 / 30

The students (are/is) playing in the yard

3 / 30

A : Hi Alvaro

B : ___ Aga

A : What are you doing?

B : __________ My home work, how about you Alvaro? ______________?

A : I am playing robloxs

4 / 30

You may sleep in the _______ (bedroom/bathroom)

5 / 30

Grandmother is an oldest (man/women) in my family

6 / 30

(father / grandfather) is the oldest person in my family

7 / 30

My (aunt/uncle) is my father's sister

8 / 30

Are you playing football __________?

9 / 30

is Father watching TV?

10 / 30

žAga has one twenty dollars for his trip. His trip will take four days. How much money can he spend per day?

11 / 30

žEach student will bring two pens to class. There are nine students in this class. How many pens will there be in all?

12 / 30

žMom bought twelve oranges for her three kids. How many oranges will each child have?

13 / 30

what is nine multiplied by six?

14 / 30

The pond is not the home of _________.

15 / 30

You can see _________ at the zoo.

16 / 30

I deliver your mail and parcels on a scooter. I am a _____________

17 / 30

Lina's mother always __________ for her.

18 / 30

We _______ our teeth every morning.

19 / 30

I ________ near the school. That is my house over there.

20 / 30

There are many tall ____________ in the town center.

21 / 30

You may borrow books from the ____________

22 / 30

We had lunch at the __________

23 / 30

The drug store is ___________ the movie theater and the post office.

Ujian Bahasa Inggris

24 / 30

The train station is ______________ the SEC school.

Ujian Bahasa Inggris

25 / 30

The school is ___________ the restaurant.

Ujian Bahasa Inggris

26 / 30

The police station is ___________ the bank and the store.  

Ujian Bahasa Inggris

27 / 30

Ujian Bahasa Inggris

28 / 30

Ujian Bahasa Inggris

29 / 30

Ujian Bahasa Inggris

30 / 30

Our children _______to an international school this morning  (is going / go )

Your score is

The average score is 75%

